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This Course Includes:

  • 12 online class sessions with interactive instructors and classmates.

  • Workbook with over 200 additional content pages with worksheets and additional content to augment your learning.

  • 12 $50 class sessions for a total value of $600 but when purchased as a complete course, pay only $495.

  • Over six hours of supplementary video to continue your learning process.

Course curriculum

    1. What Is Safe Harbors?

    2. Engaging With The Content

    3. Meet Your Captains For This Journey!

    4. Our Contact Information

    5. Beginning Assessment 1

    6. Beginning Assessment 2

    1. This Harbor's Instrument: The Contract

    2. The Lesson - Choice & Commitment

    3. Learn to Use The Tools

    4. The Growth Formula

    5. Growth Formula Worksheet

    6. Dreamwork

    7. The Contract

    8. Soul Community Coaching

    9. Inner Community Coaching

    10. Story Log

    11. Harbor Check-In

    1. This Harbor's Instrument: The Telescope

    2. The Lesson - Circle of Control

    3. Circle of Focus Worksheet

    4. Learn to Focus In On What Matters Most!

    5. Growth Formula Worksheet

    6. Dreamwork

    7. Soul Community Coaching

    8. Inner Community Coaching

    9. Story Log

    10. Harbor Check-In

    1. This Harbor's Instrument: Ship Lingo

    2. The Lesson - Words Matters

    3. Power of Words Worksheet

    4. The Words You Use Matter!

    5. Writing is critical!

    6. Power of Words Exercise

    7. Growth Formula Worksheet

    8. Dreamwork

    9. Soul Community Coaching

    10. Inner Community Coaching

    11. Story Log

    12. Harbor Check-In

    1. This Harbor's Instrument: The Bow

    2. The Lesson - Facing Fear

    3. Growth Formula Worksheet

    4. Dreamwork

    5. Soul Community Coaching

    6. Inner Community Coaching

    7. Story Log

    8. Harbor Check-In

    1. This Harbor's Instrument: The Hourglass

    2. The Lesson - Community

    3. Community Worksheet

    4. Growth Formula Worksheet

    5. Dreamwork

    6. Having the Hard Conversations

    7. Soul Community Coaching

    8. Inner Community Coaching

    9. Story Log

    10. Harbor Check-In

About this course

  • $495.00
  • 115 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today